Minor bug report: Land units steps out in space.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by roboculture, October 19, 2013.

  1. roboculture

    roboculture New Member

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    Hello PA community and über team, yesterday evning I spend some time with the beta build 55493 and stumble on a pretty neat and minor bug, think its minor becouse it can easily be avoided and will not ruin the game in any way, more then possibly annoy the player.

    I let the commander create me a bot making industry building on an small iland, the opening was right out on the sea/water side, didnt checked how I placed it. Later when the basic bot maker began to produce units it pushed them right out in the sea. As the units werent water units they start to climb backwards out in space, one step at a time when they tried to move or do stuff like building. Result in a nice space ladder of units.

    Thank you for the hard work on the optimisations of your engine, from the alpha builds that lagged really bad on my older computer and didnt even run on my new laptop to working nicley on both. It was a great supprise.

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