I bought the millionaire tag and am currently rockin it. Gazillion is what ten million? I have about half that right now.
Yes. There's only one tag above Gazillionaire, Over 9000 (earn > $9000 in Earnings in a Crossfire match), which costs $9001.
Oh man. That tag alone is going to be the cause of so many spawn camping games in the community. Laaame.
I really doubt it. It's a stupid tag that looks identical to Millionaire except for the "Gaz-" prefix.
I'm rocking it. And you really can't spawn camp for it, since the game basically has to go into OT for you to get it. I had to do cycles of slaying/bot killing/etc. so that teammates wouldn't take the ball down.
You've earned less than $8,020,000 in Crossfire. I don't see how that's possible unless you've played thousands of Blitz matches.
Maybe he just means he has it in his highlights page. Unlocked it meant to mean bought thought. I think...it needs to be clarified by someone
I earned the "Gazillionaire" tag (in a quick match with Officer FuttBuck last night, actually) but I can't afford it. OH, SWEET IRONY.