Blargh! So, the game had just finished, and I had done beautifully during the match (if I do say so myself). I was so looking forward to earning the money. My score was 19 - 11- 4 (I was a busy ninja!) and I'm not sure, but I think that would have amounted to something like 4k after the win bonus? I'll never know now, because the stinking sore losing Host left and caused everyone to Migrate, which, as you guessed, led to being unable to FIND a host and thus, all the earnings by everyone who did SUCH a good job (and even the earnings of the team who put up a nice effort) were lost. This is ultimately frustrating, because not only will I not have that money, but I didn't even get a chance to peek at which Protags I earned (if any beyond MVP) or even FIND OUT how much money I made! Anyway, I just needed to vent about that to people who I thought could relate and maybe share their own frustrations. That said, I have a few question for the developers: When exactly is your total put into your Lifetime Savings? Is it right as the moneyball is destroyed (and all the racking and calculating is a formality so we as the player know how much we earned)? Or is it after the players are returned to the Lobby? Perhaps it's somewhere in between. Also, if a Host Migrates after the game has been won, do the players keep all their earnings or are they lost? To prevent those people from losing their money if such is the case, might I suggest that you add some kind of feature to the game where no one can quit after the game is decided (seeing as really there would be no point in it anyway)? Alternatively, adding the money to the lifetime savings (data wise) as Bulleye dances around the ball would work nicely, too. TL;DR? Summary: Robbed of money, please find/discuss solution. (Given this, I believe this may be the wrong branch of the forum in which to start this thread. Please move, if need be!)
I think the worst part is people are so used to the migration failing that even when they do fix it people are still gonna leave the second the migration window pops up out of habit. I also had what felt like a great round today and didn't check my score too often throughout the round and I wanted to see how I did and well **** me the host dropped the second the round was over. I think if you're host and you drop you should get a confirmation window telling you you're going to drop the room.
You'll notice when the game ends it says "Saving" in the top left corner. That is when it saves all your info. Also people can always turn off their XBox to quit or just disconnect from their network. I.E Pull the Ethernet cable out or just turn the power to the modem off.
If people are really willing to go that far... When does this Saving notice appear? I know I've seen it before but now that I'm actively trying to recall it, I can't think of when it appears.
If there's one thing that is going to make me leave this game, this is it! I would say I've lost about 30-40% of my current earnings from host migration failing, which is ridiculous. I'm not going to complain about people raging, because I do it all the time too, but Host Migration needs to be fixed. Any rare time it works, I always get put on the opposite team, starting with about $50 and no skill upgrades :evil:
Pretty much sums up how I feel when I'm leading a game with way more kills than i normally get . Then all of a sudden WHAM! Host migration = Butt f*ck A broken heart can't mend
That's weird, Ian. In my case, whenever the chance occurs that Migration is successful, the game is restored as it was before Migration. I don't quite know what to say about that... But, it IS disheartening. Doesn't it always seem to happen then, ZOoo00OOM? It's like the Hosts have a sixth sense about the matter, haha.
Normally, it's because matchmaking has f'ed up and put my friend on the opposite team. I guess it just tries to correct itself.... C'mon, Uber, nail down matchmaking and host migration in a future patch
Happened to me today. After going through like 10 bad matches, I finally found a good match. I proceeded to beat the crap out of everybody (something that NEVER happens), then I see the host migration screen. It fails.
I spoke too soon, haha. Yesterday the Host migrated and about five people left the game along with that migration, leaving only 7 of us in the game. As a result, the teams were screwed up and I ended up playing for the opposite team as a Support (instead of the Assassin I was), and my skills weren't upgraded as I had chosen them to be. It was like I had assumed the identity of the player whose slot I took on the team.
You keep the stats you earn even after a failed migration. So people who quit mid-match thinking they're saving their precious k/d ratio are woefully mistaken.
Yea that was lame. I had all 4 of my Tank's abilities at level 3 right before that happen. I ended up Sniper with no upgraded skills. It's a strange thing and I wonder what causes it.
This migration thing is fairly frustrating. How do you know if you are a host in a pub and could they possibly put a star or something next to their name noting that they are a host.