Just had a crash, happened mid-game this time. It was a complete crash to desktop with no error window or anything. I was hosting a listen server, if that's relevant. Screen froze, sound continued momentarily, and then I was looking at my desktop. I pulled this from the bottom of my launch.log afterwards: Code: Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0) Log: === Critical error: === Infinite script recursion (250 calls) detected HWeapDualMinigun DLC1_SteelPeel.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.HWeapDualMinigun_83 Function HostileGame.HWeapon:WeaponReload.SuspendReload:0000 Script call stack: Function HostileGame.HWeapon:WeaponReload.BeginState Function HostileGame.HWeapon:WeaponReload.SuspendReload