They gave the development of Age of Empires Online to Gas Powered Games! Holy ****! This was unexpected for several reasons: - GPG was working on their own project until very recently (Kings and Castles, which is now on hold) - Microsoft is investing big in a free2play RTS - Microsoft is producing a PC exclusive title - first time for GPG to be hired by a publisher to finish an outside IP More news later.
Maybe next they can update the Xbox Live update rules so MNC could get better without all these loops to jump through lol
Not quite. They have to make up for letting the MechWarrior franchise down first... Anyway, no Moho engine and it looks like GPG will be developing the premium content. Most of the engine, design and artwork seems to be already done. They might not have much influence on the actual gameplay. Still, good money and I'm glad they got a secured income for the time being. That will certainly help them once they start with Kings and Castles again.