I have been unable to play this game for long as I continue to experience micro stutters -- where the units will appear frozen for about 1 second and then jump to the location they were headed. It's like a recurring lag that happens every few seconds. I have tried lowering all my settings, enabling Threaded Optimization, and setting PA.exe to high priority. I have also checked the ctrl+p information and the Sim FPS as well as my FPS remain high. It's like I am just getting 100% frame drops every few seconds. Any ideas?
welcome to the forum Sounds like latency is the problem. What operating system are you running? g.e. Win 7, OS X, etc.
Running Windows 7. I have 75/25 for internet speed. I am locating in US East, and I believe the server I use is US Central.
try closing any torrent clients if you got those running, they can seriously screw with your internet, and are you on Lan or Wifi, because Lan is a lot more reliable
I'm connected via LAN, speedtest's showing I am getting my full 75mb download speed. I have just about zero applications running outside of this game. I would be very surprised if the latency was on my end.
OK that's great, that the latency is probably somewhere in the connection. Sadly nothing can be done about that now. However it would be nice if uber spreads there servers better, since the server parks are now only on 3 locations. Which is great for some users but not for others who are located far away
I was worried about hearing there is no current fix. It is unplayable like this. Is there anything I can do to improve it at all? As it stands, it I won't be able to play.
You could try the PTE build, it has some major performance improvements that can make the game run a lot better, also the PTE runs on separate instances so there should be more bandwidth available Get the uberlancher at https://store.uberent.com/download/pa Than switch to the PTE stream
Tried two full games, this is working much better. What is different about this build and the Steam build? Will I be able to use the Steam client to play in the near future? Thank you very much for this.
Copy the PTE folder to the Steamapps Common folder where the current PA exists. Rename the old PA as "backup PA", rename the PTE moved there as "Planetary Annihilation" or whatever the old one was. Then, steam will recognize PTE as the actual planetary annihilation, it will run it successfully, if you wanted to use stable again just rename them back. If PTE moved to Steam starts stuttering again, it may be steam overlay somehow.