Metal spot icon invisible.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Vincenty82, May 24, 2014.

  1. Vincenty82

    Vincenty82 New Member

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    Hi everyone
    After recent galactic war update some new UI elements have been introduced and some old ones have been replaced. As we all know, updates tend to fix some bugs and introduce another ones. In my case its the metal spot icon. I am not able to make it visible. I've tried messing around in options, switching things on and off (like the obvious ''Metal spot icon'', ''Cinematic mode'' & others), reinstalling the game but to no effect. It is pretty annoying since metal is almost invisible on moons and metal planets. Oddly enough it seems like it is paired up with health & build bars not showing up. Is there a way to fix this issue? My GPU -> HD 4870 ​
  2. Vincenty82

    Vincenty82 New Member

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    My apologies for reviving this thread, but i am unable to fix PA for a long time now. I've contacted support but after long exchange of information they were only able to tell me that the issue is known to them and devs are working on it. Unfortunately none of the patches till now did anything to fix this. I've tried almost anything i can think of short of system format. I am starting to feel like i paid for a product that will never work like it suppose to on my rig.
  3. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I'm sorry to say but a large part of your issue is your GPU. The HD 4870 is very old- it was good in it's day, but it was released in 2008. AMD no longer provide driver support for it (as of last year).

    The problem is PA relies heavily on up-to-date drivers. That means to guarantee the game will run properly you need at least an HD 5XXX part.

    Personally, I'd recommend looking at a new card, you won't need to spend allot to get something faster than that and it would be beneficial for many other games as well :) I retired my faithful HD 4670 just over a year ago and swapped it with a GTX 560 (now 2 gens old iteslf) and that runs PA perfectly. I also have a laptop with the GT 420M and that also works fine. Basically you need a DX11 generation of card (i.e. Nvidia 4XX or newer, or HD 5XXX or newer).

    Good value options at the moment are the Radeon R7 265, or the Geforce 650ti...

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