Temperature don't change anything that is not a Earth like planet... so moons, lava, Metal keep the same... but Gas planets get a color change depending on its temperature... But if Metal planets where build not only of Iron/Steel... and get other colors? And Moons could be made of red rocks like Mars?
Would be interesting if temperature for lava planets determined how "active" the planet was. So hotter and you'd see more lava bubbling around and steam shooting up, while down the cold end it'd become more like a dead ball of rock with more solid ground. Of course this would be quite a visual upgrade from what we have now.
This would be very technical to add. However, the color, possibly not. If only for lava, moon, and metal planets, it could change the color. Lava, from black, to the current color, to bright red on the ground (yellow lava by contrast, maybe change lava color from dark red to light yellow). Moon, change from white, to grey, to red. Metal changes from blue, to grey, to orange. Just for visual variety, this may actually be possible in a game mod already because I believe the planet surface is largely just a color based on a code somewhere telling it a ryb number.