Would it be useful to have the metal spots located on a grid so placement was even over a whole planet? I was thinking you could use tessellating to make a grid that would divide up a planet evenly. Then if there was a metal spot at end of each line or the middle each triangle you would have a 3D grid. You could change the amount of metal by simply changing the size of the triangles. This would even scale for different size planets. If you set the triangle size to a maximum of 1 KM (or whatever unit) as the planet gets bigger there would be an almost even coverage no mater the size. If this unit was adjustable in the planet creator, even better. Just an idea that popped into my head and was wondering what players and makers thought of it. Here is a link to what tessellating a globe can look like. http://gafferongames.com/wp-content/upl ... lation.gif From the Virtual Go site
This might present problems as, due to terrain features, metal wouldn't be evenly distributed because it wouldn't be accessible. However, it is a good start; the metal points that spawn in/on mountains could be shifted to the nearest piece of flat land, giving mountains an apparently denser metal concentration but in reality it would be pretty even. This would take away a bit of fun though. It would be nice if large metal clusters also spawned approximately equidistant from each army.
I quite like the way it is now, it feels organic, and presents situations where players have to fight real hard for mex's, either to keep or gain an advantage.
There are two problems with the way it is now, one is that one player will often spawn on a patch of 25-50 metal while all the other players have to make do with 6-15 metal patches. On smaller planets you may be unlucky enough to spawn in a position with no metal.
For the metal spots that would be covered I think those should always be shown. If a mountain or crevasse is at the same spot as the metal they should be moved up or down so they are still there. You could build extractors on them using Air fabricators.