Hey everyone, I discovered Planetary Annihilation through a friend just today. It immediately reminded me of the old strategic game Metal Fatigue. (I think from the year 2000) I loved that game and it would be awesome if it would be possible to have some features from that game aswell, since i think it was also groundbreaking as PA will be. for example you could build Mechs in a modular system. This means for example you have factories building different Torsos and Arms (different defense or attackvalues or rates of speed)for your robots and then they could be combined and customized, for special needs. This made it really fun and interesting. Maybe they could be difficult to produce but therefore stronger and could have some skills Also there were different niveaus where you could fight. underearth, ground and air level. I think especially the underground component would be really interesting combined with PA 3D Maps. All people who dont know the game have a look at Youtube. For people who know the game what would you think is possible of these featrues to be realized in PA?
I Think PA has enough managemnt going on already and as soon as planets are accessable there will be no need for underground. I like the mech upgrade thing though. Again I can't see it on the normal mechs or tanks because PA is going for mass armies, but maybe the cammander can get upgrades for his weapons by absorbing wrecks on the ground? cheers
I am currently working on a mod with RCIX that will have a simplified modular system. We've sketched it out so it is as quick and automated as possible, you select a chassis, 1-4 modules, and you're ready to mass produce. Uber is sticking closely to TA's design for this though, so units will probably be dedicated.