Metal extractor buildings bugs out?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by akevader, September 13, 2014.

  1. akevader

    akevader New Member

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    I'm not sure why but sometimes i find myself not being able to build metal extractors on some spots out in the open. Is there an open bug report on this phenomenon? Has anyone else experienced the same? It's incredibly annoying when you select a fabber and realise you can't start queueing because of this bug... (unless I'm doing something wrong which I'm having a hard time imagining)
  2. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    Buildings may take more space than shown.
    Did you try to build mex over 2 very close metal spots ? Or was the metal spot in question near the exit of a factory ?
    Factory have invisible ramps on both side for unit rollout where you can't build, so don't put them too near from metal spot.
    You may check space building actually takes by toggling the patching view (alt+F11 if I recall correctly)
    Also if you previously area patrol mex building with a Fabber, you may be unable to construct a Mex on one of the queued one with another Fabber
  3. akevader

    akevader New Member

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    The main scenario I'm annoyed about is when I'm about to queue up a "mex building route" by shift-building with a fabber. This is out in the open and not close to any building. What i have to do is build at least the first mex without queueing, then it will work and the building footprint turns white instead of red. It just feels something is triggering the mex-build-queueing to break sometimes.

    I will try pay more attention to this if/when i run into the issue again to see if i can see some kind of pattern.

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