who exactly is he? just somebody watching the games and reading cheating reports, who fixes the cheating problem? or is it one of you devs/admins? or a shared account used by devs/admin to act as admin ingame?
oh, so you cant reveal the identity of the executioner, thus the mask? oddly, im jealous of the power, that has to be so cool being in charge of that. well cant say im not happier than hell you guy are making 100+ hours of afk host count for nothing. thats like them wasting $30 of electricity. not to mention the hard work they put torward earning stuff. i wouldnt even really be all that upset if they would just be smart. the "i got 99 and all protags" stuff is something i got used to from MW2, where just about everyone had every title. but at least make a site full of boosters, and all of you make a private match. that way, you dont become the most hunted and hated form of trash on this game lmao. hope im not promoting boosting, if i am you can delete/edit this. but my anger lies at the afk boosters ruining games. they get what they deserve.