Mellowbusiness's guide to not sucking at Blitz

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Mellowbusiness, March 24, 2011.

  1. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    People keep continuously making guides for characters but i havent seen a topic about blitz.

    So first things first this isnt gonna have any flashiness and boarders and pictures and what not, its just a straight to the point guide.

    So are you one of those people who want bragging righs (since surprisingly this is one of the few game where people dont hack the leaderboards) but dont know how to get to high level? then listen up.

    First rule (and most important): DO NOT USE ASSAULTS/GUNNERS IN BLITZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those two characters are the absolute WORST at destroying bots (yes the assaults bomb is good at killing jackbots but the tank and assassin can kill four times as much jackbots than it takes to kill one jackbot w/assault) They are a complete waste of a team slot and you will not make it past lv 80 with them on your team.

    Now that i have gotten that out of the way.... Heres the actual guide

    1. Classes

    If you want to succeed at blitz you gotta know your classes.

    Support:Mandatory character. Keeps the turrets alive, hacks the turrets to make them more efficient, and keeps the players alive. Not so good at killing bots but that's not his job to do so, his job is to keep the bots at bay. Air strike to kill groups of bots and firebase to weaken bots before they get to your base.

    Tank: Always have at least one on your team. Great character to use. Death Blossom destroys bots and with a juiced death blossom, will take down jack bots in 2-4 spins. Product grenade stops bots in their tracks when upgraded so its really useful to stop a group that's about to drop your moneyball and charge 3 pushes all (but jackbots) away.

    Sniper: With lv 3 passive, he really is the easiest to gain juice with. The explosive rounds really make work out of those pesky scramblers, flak 3 is good to use and ice traps to immobilize the bots and to give yourself a little breathing room. Excellent to jack bots since he has two grapples, you can completely wreck a jackbot by yourself while you teammates focus on the other jackbots/bots. Extremely useful in the later rounds when jackbots spawn more commonly.

    Assassin: Very useful character. If you stand right in front of the bots spawn, they wont shoot at you when they spawn, but by the time they do shoot at you they will be shredded into scrap anyway. Watch out for Bouncers because this doesn't apply to them for some reason. Use her right and you can completely shut down an entire lane which will loosen the pressure on your teammates.

    2. Endorsements

    Unlike in crossfire, Armor isnt the most important thing in Blitz. Its Skillz.

    All of the skillz mention are extremely useful in taking down bots so less recovery mean more uses which means more destroyed bots.

    RoF is very important for the Sniper and Assassin (not so much for the tank)

    Use Reload for tank to fully abuse death blossoms.

    Ideal set for the characters are

    Support: Skillz, then anything else that fits on your playstyle
    Tank: Skillz or reload for gold or silver then health or Rof for bronze
    Sniper, Skillz or RoF, then health or whatever fits to your playstyle.
    Assassin Rof, Armor, health recovery

    not much else to say on this part.

    3. Arenas

    Since there is only 2 arenas to play on, which are the default one and survivtol this section will be simple.

    Default: Huge map with six bot spawn points. Early rounds only the first front two will be used. After round 10 the side two will be used with the fround and after round 50, the back two will be used with the others.
    Make sure EVERY nub (except the nub behind the money ball) has a rock-it. the one behind the money ball should have a hacked ice shave. Build your turrets as fast as possible and only upgrade your skillz when all nubs have a turret on them (unless you're an assassin/sniper in which you should upgrade to lv 3 passive once the game starts)

    On survivtol, there are only 5 bot spawn, 3 which lead to the money ball. the two that are not connected to the money ball spawn buzzers, gapshots and jackbots (during later rounds). Be careful when you're an assassin at the spawns because the buzzers WILL go after you first.
    The nubs furthest in the back can be longshots, or you can ignore them. the rest can be rock-its, you can have one nub be an ice shave, but choose that one wisely.

    Notes: Once you choose your character you cannot change without backing out of the game and rejoining.
    There is a glitch when you're a tank/gunner, that if you fly right above the money ball and into it sometime you will get stuck and cannot get out unless the money ball drops (or if you quit)
    Use ejectors if in a jam and only use annihilator if there are a ton of jackbots around and your money ball is down.
    It only takes one bot to take down the money ball unlike two in crossfire so be weary.
    During laggy situations, gapshots will not be where they look like they are at. look for the shot and shoot in that direction.

    annnnnnnnd i believe that is it. Hopefully some of you learned from this guide and will aim to become better players in the future. any new things i find out i will add to this guide of some sorts.
  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Good job, covers about everything, should help new players to Blitz and stop them from being derpasaurs.
  3. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Play support, don't build lazer blazers. Nuff said.
  4. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    If you're trying to be funny here, you failed.

    OT: Nice guide, I didn't think the sniper was even half useful in Blitz. I should go try it out for myself, but I'm still not really convinced.
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    sniper is worse than assault at later rounds

    lasers in the far back corners on 3-4 player blitz have enough range to help cover the back doors

    Tanks should be using railgun and product bomb, not deathblossom

    firebase should be dedicated to gapshots later rounds

    gold skill and good timing will allow for 4 turrets hacked at all times

    it still takes 2 bots to drop the ball in blitz

    in depth assassin:

    an assassin with bronze skill recovery can hold the entire front entry (yes, both lanes) by herself. when blackjacks spawn, cut down the left side. by the time the left lane is empty, the right lane should be advanced to under the bridge. with bronze smokebomb, you can get a smokebomb off on these bots exactly once a round and stop them in the middle of the 4-5 turrets.

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