I really liked what you guys did with the Juice cooldown on the dispensers but I feel like the only map to truly do juice chaining correctly is GrenadeIII due to the risk of Ejectors. I was thinking that you could add them to the Juice dispensers on other maps as well, especially because of how easy it is for one team to dominate the center area on Ammo Mule. Also, this will clear up a lot of issues with firebase camping in the center of AM. This will also be quite beneficial on Steel Peel and Laze Razer as well though to a smaller degree due to the inability to camp effectively. I don't know, just giving my two cents because imo, I don't think the cooldown did enough for some classes. Maybe an extra risk on juice buying will be beneficial.
Juice should have diminishing effects if you do it too much in one life/period of time/some other third thing. I think that would help immensely.
I agree with adding Ejectors to the centers of maps, would really screw with people.. plus not a lot of people even use ejectors so it would only make a difference to smart players.
Here's a thought if Ejectors were added to the middle where would the button be? Considering the other team has the middle controlled.
On ammo mule, maybe right after the spawn circle (outside the doorway in the middle) on LazerBlazer, on the bridges, steelpeel below the top middle, idk just took me a sec to think, there probly would be better places to put them tho