Match -> Overtime -> Sudden Death

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by ironzerg, September 7, 2010.

  1. ironzerg

    ironzerg New Member

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    I'd like to see a middle ground between the current game and overtime modes.

    Sometimes its frustrating to have a team pinned in their base, but not quite being able to down the moneyball, then lose to a juice rush 20 seconds into overtime.

    I think they should change the current Overtime to Sudden Death, and revamp what's now the Overtime mode.

    In Overtime, you get all the level 3 sponsors and the bot spawns rapidly increase, like you have now. After 2 minutes of Overtime, the game goes into Sudden Death.

    In Sudden Death, everyone gets the half juice, the moneyball drops and takes the extra damage.
  2. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    I like it, but how about in Overtime, bots spawn craaaaaazy amounts, and your juice is constantly decreasing. So you have to really kill lots and lots to get enough juice to juice rush.

    Oh, and juice resets itself at the start of overtime. I mean, overtime is for the ultimate push-win or lose- type situations, make them work for it.

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