Ahem. I'm not sure to whom we'd have to send a bunch of emails to, but I was thinking of sending mass emails to Microsoft about changing their update policies. Yes? No? Anyone?
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/chan ... -policies/ Sign sign sign! I hoe it works. I probably love this game more than anyone here on the forum. Just sayin'.
This is a good idea, but I really wouldn't get my hopes up if I were any of you guys n gals. There are probably between 15 and 30 million Xbox Live Subscribers. Of those millions, you might get 200 signatures on your petition. It is likely going to take a staff of hundreds on Microsoft's end to review a petition, update the policies and then update (if possible) the software on the console to handle such policies. Beyond that, I'm sure Microsoft is already in the development stages of a new console anyway, so to convince them to review their ancient policies so you can get updates on a game that has already peaked in sales is going to be very difficult. I really don't think this petition is going to convince the people who make these decisions at Microsoft the a policy update makes financial sense. Signed just the same.
The petition has the word "continue" spelled wrong. That may be fine on these forums, but for official type things it will not be taken seriously until it is copy edited. I will sign the next one, or this one if you correct the spelling (although I doubt you can since you could just change it to say "we the following are gay" and that got old on the 1992 internet).