Hey Volks, someone needs to make a Patch Note Video after every Patch, for ppl like me who doesn't have to much time. I can't read all the details in the patchforum, that's also the reason why i don't make them by myself =D As example take the LoL Patch Notes Clips
What is wrong with this thread? https://forums.uberent.com/threads/build-tracking-thread-updated-when-it-is.51585/
Reading: 1) is much faster, especially if the text has structure (headings, bullet lists). 2) but you can digest it at your own pace 3) you can quickly skim over the next to identify what's it about. Not possible with videos (even if you try you'll need to stop every time for few seconds to actually hear what is being said) 4) text is searchable - you will be able to find interesting information e.g. on the forum without having to ready EVERYTHING 5) video-only informative content should be banned from existence say NO to replacing text with videos!
Having promotional videos for major patches might make sense from a marketing point of view, but not as a means of sharing detailed update notes. If you find videos to be faster than reading, you should get very angry at your educators.
I love the lists, I can read them at work. That's why I highly dislike this modern trend for websites to produce videos instead of writing an article. I mostly browse in places where I can't watch a video. I'd just like to read.
Yeah, cos making videos is soooo much quicker and easier than writing a list with the bare essentials