I think the most obvious DLC would be maps and pros, but which is easier to make from Uber's point of view?
It's more than likely maps, Pro's take forever to balance and create a useful and cool character, I mean seriously what other types of class that fill a niche can you foresee? Whereas maps there is a endless possibility of shapes and combinations and locations... and they are quit easy to balance just keep it symmetrical and give each class a good habitat. (sniper spots, tight locations for tank e.t.c)
It would cool if they had a game mode/map pack that included a new game mode that had 4 maps just for that game mode.
I really don't want to split up the matchmaking. Uber worked on Demigod. There was like 5 games modes. The only mode played was Conquest. I really like crossfire. More maps would be great. I wonder if you can create moving maps?