That's all I'd like to see in DLC. A couple new maps for Crossfire, and a new Deathmatch game mode (only local or Live private, not ranked). The Deathmatch mode would just be a timed Team vs. Team or even 1 on 1 battle mode where you try to get the most kills. Straightforward, probably pretty easy to implement except that it'd require small Deathmatch maps. I don't think new classes are needed, really, nor new endorsements or pro tags. Maybe a 4 on 4 crossfire match, or the ability to choose from a variety of team colors. I don't know why it has to be Orange and Blue all the time, but that's not even a gripe, just an observation. I guess more match customization options, such as how frequently the Annihilator resets, how much juice costs, how often bots spawn and their spawn ratios, etc. Custom matches can be unranked, but could still result in cash, so people would still play.