this game have many many bugs bat the most biger problem is the unit stack all the time all over the map! if you start one battle to go from one place to onother you start with 500 unit and you finice at the battle with 20 !! meny meny stacks !! arownd the map !! !!!!!!
Good heavens! Alpha Software that has bugs?! Perish the thought! I had always envisaged that games sprang fully formed from their designer's minds, flawless and complete! What manner of world is it that we live in where alpha software, even software of such ambitious scope, and having been worked on for only a scant few months, would have BUGS!
I fail to see how Uber could have explained this any better. There are like 10 billion "THIS IS ALPHA" plastered all over the build and about 100 times as many threads explaining such. Maybe a dayglow orange "THIS IS ALPHA" textured all over the planet? Or perhaps if the units said as much when you click them. Or a 1984 esque audio droning on about "This is Alpha. There are bugs. Please report bugs. Razor production this quarter is up 25%. This is Alpha..." I still think they'd get people like the OP who either just ignore everything or just don't understand. And people wonder why publishers do things the way they do. C'est La Vie, eh?
Knowing how the internet is these days I can almost guarantee there will people who complain about this. :lol: That should stay in during every phase of development.