Mandatory boot camp now play your class thanks

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Drizydraker0ger, February 21, 2011.

  1. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Idk what it is i haven't got a break

    These classes need a mini hint bar. These should be put in mp. Examples listed below
    Mini hint bar should be on top right as to not obscure anything on the screen.

    Mini hint bar popups per class

    -Pop up when a team mate is close by and not over healed.
    -Pop up when a team mate is low on health
    -Heal hurt turret when taken more then 50 % damage
    -Pop up when you haven't thrown fire base after first 4 minutes
    -Pops up saying to throw air strike on other fire base when around

    -Pop up when bots are pushing lanes into your base
    -Warns of tanks to stay away
    -Tells them to focus on bots and juicing the base

    -Pops up when you pull mortar out and a turret within plain sight to use it

    All classes
    -When going negative and losing give hints to improve like.
    -Stay away from juiced person you died 5 times by juice person.

    I have had team mates in the last couple of days who are above level 80 who seem to not focus on the objective. If you don't push bots the pros come into the base and slaughter us. I will avg 30-4 and destroy 100 plus bots but lose miserably or get pushed back by pros cause i don't have a support over healing me. I don't have the support throwing out his firebase air striking theres. Gunner or Assassin destroying turrets like they easily could so the whole match i'm fighting 2-3 pros getting shot at by all there bots when i juice and push them to there base they keep a support right on the rock it turret. They keep upgrading it to a hack 3.3 and i can just barely destroy it. When i get back after dying the bots are right back in our base. And my whole team is negative. We need this update. It should show this for all players so they can understand the basics. If the basics aren't followed the said person should be forced into a tutorial. Anyone agree or disagree.
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I think the game should make you get a code from the forums when you do terrible multiple times, a teammate does 3x better and loses still, and/or you get 0 bot or turret kills.

    You should have to go to the forums, read one of the good guides, take a quiz over the game, and then it gives you the code to go back and reactivate your game.

    Yet, this would be communism. Sweet, sweet communism. Ah that would be good though.
  3. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    No no. Thats to long a process. I mean i have played like 20 games with diff teams where this has happened. It's crazy. Your either getting the crappy gunner sin or support. I main assault. I don't like having to play everything and losing for it. Te hint bars aren't messed up. Just giving you a guide. Not to be better then other classes just play your part
  4. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Sorry, I had to.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I could see these being very annoying though. Like if it tells me there's a juiced person in the base.... THANKS BUT I'D RATHER TAKE ON THE 348394 BOTS ON THE OTHER SIDE. AI can't be perfect. Besides there would have to be an option at some point to turn them off.

    And the part about staying away from Tanks as an Assassin.... if I see a Tank, I will rush straight at them. 99% of the time, I get the kill. You just have to know how to do it.
  6. spookyspectre11

    spookyspectre11 New Member

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    Like button
  7. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    0 The support is not just a guy who goes around healing everything. This would get very annoying. As a dedicated support, I have work to do. And if you are taking more damage than you can give out, it's pointless for me to even try to heal you.
  8. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    I wouldn't want a pop-up telling me to run from juicers either. I die to them a lot because I'm too often the only person on my team willing to throw myself at a juicer and waste their advantage in a grapple. That gets me killed a lot, but it's also saved a hell of a lot of turrets and moneyballs.
  9. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    I think the game should be able to sense when you're not doing well/still learning and then just lock you out of playing. Instead, a bot takes over and you are forced to watch and see how it's done until the bot deems you competent enough for another attempt. If you still aren't up to snuff, the bot resumes playing until you watch an additional 15 minutes, apologize to the bot, and perform 20 push-ups. This way bad players can see how to play "the right way", and good players get to enjoy games vs. other good "players"! It's a win-win! :lol:
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    A game gets recorded every hour, and if you do bad you have to watch the best player on the team play that game.

    Idea: Street Fighter Replay Channel. Love watching street fighter matches. Love making good videos too, so when it asks for an upload on a ultra-attempt-stuff, I message the guy I beat saying "Say Hi to the Replay Channel, They Will Enjoy The Humor of Your Fail!"
  11. Vinak

    Vinak New Member

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    Not really sure what governmental elimination of all private property and the creation of a classless society has to do with your proposal.
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Communist governments typically control EVERYTHING in its span of influence. Or try to.
  13. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    You make it sound all bad. For one, communism sets everyone completely equal. No qualms about who's better than who, because everyone is equal.

    It just so happens that the government often take it upon themselves to be "more equal" than everyone else.
  14. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    I like where this thread is going. :?
  15. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

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    In Soviet Russia... thread trolls you!
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    On paper, communism works. Hell, communism works.

    I wouldn't mind communism too much, no.

    However, Lenin and Stalin were a bit of a jerk. Then there was Vietnam. Communist leaders and countries have a history of not being nice and kind-of forceful.

    My reference still stands. It would be inconsiderate to bombard people with subliminal messages during game to do the right thing, or force them to take MNC class. I, however, would love to see the day where we do force people still lol.
  17. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Off topic: Communism to me can only work in small communities and its unfortunate that, for some reason, communist leaders tend to off anyone who says different.

    On topic: There needs to be multiple tutorials for the different classes and a more fleshed out playbook pertaining to the tactics required to play each class.
  18. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    Oh god, we need a communism thread so I can properly rage without threadjacking.

    On topic: I agree; class tutorials would be really nice. Right now people just run through Blitz with each class to learn things, but that hides some interesting details. Like how it's pretty important to know how assassin grapple damage differs from the face or back, and that there's pretty much an entire post-grapple metagame if your target survives. Or how Assault's greatest weapons (bombs and mobility -- especially from airdash) barely get any play in the tutorial. Or how Tanks may want to farm juice off bot/turret damage.
  19. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I say we discuss what should be in each classes tutorial.

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