As the title says I'm making an FNV mod, I'm not going to say what it is for dramatic tension, but it involves a radio, a crazy guy, political intrigue and child killing. (one of those things isn't actually true.) ...aaaaaaaanyway, as many may know, the fallout series is known for, among other things, its music from the 30's and 40's. I, however, am an uncultured moron who knows nothing about those years beyond a few artists. As I don't want the playlist to be flooded by the same artists, I ask those of the Uber forums, what songs dost thou liketh from that decade? I've already got 6 songs down and only need 13-ish minimum.
Oooh!! Yay! I was about to post several artists and songs, but darn, these links have it: then it goes by year '46, '47, '48, and '49
Actually, if anyone who sees this happens to know about GECK, how do you get the radio to stop looping songs?