major issue with joining games late....

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by fl4tlined, August 24, 2010.

  1. fl4tlined

    fl4tlined New Member

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    anyone see the problem with joining a game 5 minutes or hell even 3 minutes late into the game?

    you get the same amount of cash if you would have just started even if you join with 1 minute left

    problem with this is A some classes get REALLY screwed over and get demolished by the other more upgraded classes to the point where you miswell quit if you join a game which isnt within 3 minutes of the starting gate which leads to the next problem B it makes it so if people quit the game out of rage and such the slot will not be filled by another player who dosent see the point in getting butt ****ed because he dosent have the money to upgrade his skills

    my suggestion would be for every minute you join in late you get a extra 100 dollars even this is pitiful compared to what you would make while actually playing but it would help give you the chance to be on a equal playing field of the more upgraded pro's in the match
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    that could be a good idea.. AT LEAST make up for the automatic $50 per 30 seconds that you would normally get just by being in the game
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I really don't see it as that big of a deal. I mean you can have a fully upgraded class then mid-game decided to switch that class to something else and start with little money (don't know for sure but I think it's $300 just like that start of a match).

    When I join a game in progress, no matter if it's 30 seconds in or 30 minutes, I will play the same way no matter what. User skill is the most underestimated thing in online gaming. So my class skills may not be as leveled as yours but my player skill might be greater.

    Although a bit more extra cash on hand then what you'd start with at the beginning of a match would be nice.
  4. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Try playing Gunner, Sniper, or Assassin if you join late. They're all fairly effective with low skills, and Gunner and Sniper can make money at an ungodly pace.

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