I have experienced games both avalible for Mac and Windows, where the client can't work together with each other in multiplayer. Will the three client be able to work together in multiplayer? This will decide rather if I'm gonna buy the game or not.
My understanding is they are writing most of the code in platform-agnostic C, then interfacing with the individual OSes with specific code later. So, yes.
Since they're using client/server structure, it shouldn't matter one bit what you're connecting with, as long as it can interpret the stream of data the server is sending over. I can't see how this kind of architecture could have connection problems between systems.
It says that they plan on having it for all three platforms. so hope for the best and it will mean more friends and foes
Absolutely, since Mac, Win and Linux will be the three factions uber plans to create, they need to connect to each other to meet in battle. I think the official subtitle of PA is rumored to be: "Same Hardware different Software - A Galaxy at War" Naturally the UI will be System dependent and path-finding will probably involve google maps. (I might have strayed and taken the mood of a general software/tech forum along. )
(sometimes i wish this forum has a like button) I would like to see the modding support be universal on all 3 platforms as well.
FYI, there's never an excuse that programs shouldn't be able to talk to each other across platform. The whole design behind the standard network protocol was to work between systems. So any developer that can't get their cross (PC) platform clients working together is either inexperienced or lazy.
so are the game servers for "multi-player" being hosted on client side or server side? server side meaning Uber servers
This. Though using Google maps will put mac users at a distinct disadvantage, as Apple will then file a patent infringement on it. Oh wait, they screwed up Apple maps badly enough that they then allowed Google maps back onto iDevices anyway... 'nuff said I think...