Hey devs and fellow PAers alike! Enjoying this game so far and look forward to what the future brings for it. One of the major problems im seeing now is a dc issue with Mac users. Most of my friends roll PCs but one runs a Mac and only he has problems with dcing. And its not just once, its several times during a match. It had been about 2months since we last played it but we played it last night and the problem hasnt changed. Any advice on what to do? Or do we just have to wait for a patch to roll through fixing the problem?
Disconnects are usually a network thing and not so much related to the OS though. Are you and your friend able to reconnect to the match? If you quit PA after a disconnect and restart it, it should give you the option to reconnect. If it doesn't, then it means it was probably a server crash, which should be rare nowadays. Another common cause for disconnects is Wi-fi in combination with stressed routers. PA seems to be quite a burden on them. So if you use Wi-fi, you can try using a cable directly to the modem instead to see if you still have the disconnect problem.
I used to have regular disconnects; problems stopped when I replaced my router (an alternate firmware also worked, but I had better hardware so I used it)
He might be using wireless. Ill mention to him for the next time we play to try and hardwire in and see if that fixes the problem. Me and another friend are hardwired in and never have dc problems. And yes he can reconnect fine. Its just a major pain. I was wondering if it was OS due to the fact that there might be some weird conflict of a Mac OS trying to speak to a PC OS or is that irrelevant because the game is ultimately played through PA servers and we just connect to them to play?
Yeah, it's irrelevant. The OS doesn't matter for that sort of stuff. Well short of network drivers and such of course, but that seems rather unlikely. TCP/IP is the same for everybody. Wi-fi routers can be such a pain though. (wondible is a Mac user too actually)
Okay well i checked with him and he's hardwired in and resets his router regularly. Any other ideas? This game is the only time he has this problem. Is there a file somewhere in the PA folder that will show any problems while playing? **Ill just link him Wondibles threads for OS x bugs
I ran my old router for years without noticing anything. Beyond disconnects, cola contacted me about odd spikes in pastats data from (example), which we believe are due to failed sends timing out and retrying later; perhaps have him play some games with pastats and see if the same kinds of spikes (pits?) appear.
There is a log file at "~/Library/Application Support/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log" (note the ~, which means home-dir), but I kind of doubt it will tell you anything. It won't hurt to look though. I have been known to be wrong on occasion.
Thanks guys for the help. So much info so little time. I'll let you know what ends up being the end result since someone else could be having the same issue.