Hi All, Just a thought for those big games spanning multiple planets and space bodies. This item i am suggesting could severely upset a game. This can be used as a last resort or for a sneak attack if you could pull off a silent incursion onto an enemy occupied planet for long enough. Mutually assured destruction I propose either an experimental unit or a top tier building which would take a very long time to construct and transport(depending if its a unit or building). This unit or building would be able to generate a gravity tether(Tracter beam) which would latch on to the orbiting natural satellite(moon, asteroid etc) dragging it down slowly to the surface. Instead of just a countdown to the action in the a corner of the screen to alert the enemy of coming death, and the moon coming down fast after the counter hist zero. I propose that that during the countdown the moon would get closer and closer until zero and its dragged to the planet surface. This would mean the death of both forces on this planet depending on the size of the planet and satellite. The satellite would touch down wherever the tehter was constructed. The kicker would be if the moon was already occupied by the enemy and he/she suddenly notices that they are slowly descending and panic sets in :twisted: . Pink floyed below will help you get a better picture of what i mean . http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e7a_1362831456&comments=1 I would not want this to be an automatic win button so the length of time to construct such a weapon would be immense...say 30-40 minutes of game time and maybe 20 minutes to pluck that moon out of the sky and touch it down on the planet surface. Think how tense this would be while you fight for survival. Anyway this idea is open to discussion and id like to hear how the forum would make it better. If the tether(tractor beam) is destroyed the moon would drift back to its original position because science! that's why :geek: . Or it could remain in what ever orbit it stops . Regards Joe
I have to say the community is very quite around here . Is there a proper section to discuss this type of thing a feature request section or ideas section to the forum?.
Well, a big good part of the community seems European, so give us time to wake-up ! (and i personnaly think that most of users are so pumped up by the soon starting Alpha that they refrain from coming here too often for the sake of their own sanity ) This is the best topic for this kind of idea (the other sections are German Forum and Backer Lounge, so their is not too much choice !). My question is : what could be the benefits of this idea versus the "normal" Kinetic Bombardement / Asteroïd Desorbitation (by slapping engines on them then "Feuer Frei") ?
Honestly its just choice, more methods to reach that goal. Its like nukes they are a great way to spread large scale destruction but they are really the only way in the SC series. I'm just looking to see that fleshed out. In PA there are Nukes and asteroids i would just like to see more ways to use them so you can keep your enemy guessing untill the end . I was a big fan of the M.A.D tanks in C&C, Credit to The red alert for the above image. http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-red-alert/images/mad-tank I agree you could just go out and get the asteroid but why bother? with this method you can just bring them to you!. Regards Joe
Like in the below topics i just want them to go all out of this. http://forums.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=46583 http://forums.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=46608 I know even if something like this made it into the game it would end up vastly different.
There's an edit button in the bottom right of all of your posts. Try not to go on mad double-posting sprees. As to the topic. Eh... I guess if during testing, someone discovers that hurling asteroids isn't fun anymore, we could have more units to cause destruction. ... I'm not sold that Death Stars and KEWs will be ever get to the stage where using them "isn't fun anymore" though.
The way that orbits work makes the pull direction not work (assuming we get simulation to that level). If you pull towards the planet over a long time you end up with the moon orbiting stably in a little smaller radius than it would normally do. In order to bring the moon down the correct direction would be to push against it's orbiting motion.
Apologies, noted. I did not consider that. There was no intention to bump my tread. I am not saying the existing features are not good enough or anything like that. I am just looking for a variety of ways to reach that goal the main highlighted feature is to destroy planets so why not have multiple ways to do that from space or the surface. True i see what you mean. I don't even really know how close to simulation this game will be with orbits mass gravity etc. I just spilling out inner thoughts. Thanks for the feedback man.