If enough people are interested, I'll be organizing a tournament after Grudge Match of the Century called Luck of the Draw. It will be a team-based tournament--but with a twist: You'll be randomly assigned to your team. (I'll be conducting the drawing, so when I just so happen to wind up on a team comprised of the best of Grand Prize and Dream Team, don't be surprised.)
I may modify it so that it's not completely random. I think it might be more interesting if you get to pick a player to sign up with, and you're assigned two additional pairs. For those interested, would you prefer to be able to pick one player or have it be completely random?
I think a draft tournament would be pretty cool. Have a certain # of captains pick from a list of players... for example Gamertag A picks 1 person first Gamertag B picks 1 person second Gamertag C picks 1 person third Gamertag C picks 1 person fourth Gamertag B picks 1 person fith And so on
Choose a captain from each "group", so there are like 4-6 captains, and make it so they can't choose more than 1 member of their own group. Just have them pick teams and see what happens.
What I'd do: Get a complete list of interested players. Do some sort of poll. Based on how many teams you can squeeze out of that, that'll be the number of captains you get. Pick x of the highest polled captains. Those captains pick teams.
Edward Coug, you're a boon to the community. May angels dance at your feet and ladies dance at your swimsuit area. Colour me interested.
Cougar love, it's driving me mad, it's driving me crazy. The tournament will be henceforth changed from Luck of the Draw to MNC: Draft Edition. I'll be starting a new thread to avoid confusion. I'll start keeping a running tally of the draft eligible players (ie interested players) on the first post of the thread. I'll try to pick the top players as captains but help me out. Kaptain K Rool is probably gonna have to be a captain if he's interested. I don't think I have to explain why.