Lost unlocked Custom Classes & Money on Hand

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Taluien, December 24, 2010.

  1. Taluien

    Taluien New Member

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    Well, after having my 24h disconnect with Steam running (and subsequently reconnecting) I launched MNC and was greeted by the tutorial. A bit surprised, I went to the Locker Room and saw that, while my statistics where still there, as well as lifetime earnings, my Money on Hand was 0. (Which was strange as it should have been around 30k, guessing rather then knowing.) And, after checking on my Custom Classes, I found out that I had none. Which is even stranger as I had unlocked the first 3 slots.

    Does anybody have an idea what happened there and how it is fixable? You can reach me via Steam, ID is Taluien.

    Thanks for your time, have a nice christmas.
  2. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    At one point I lost over 100,000 money on hand. It happened just after the custom classes went back to being unpurchased after the patch. The funny part is that the money still shows up as having been earned, but it hasn't been spent and is still unavailable.
  3. Taluien

    Taluien New Member

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    Oh... didnt realize that the CCs could be wiped... still, losing the on hand cash is bollocks...
  4. Hako

    Hako New Member

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    They can reset the stuff whenever they want during the beta. It's really not a big deal. The first two custom classes take no more than a half hour to get.

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