Hey there, I've been looking at the game for a while and just picked it up on sale. I really want to get good at it as the game seems like fun, but my skill level is *** and it's the first RTS I've ever played (only other game I've devoted serious time to is Dota 2). I'll be gone from (June) 29th until near-ish the end of July, but around those dates I am ecstatic to learn. I found ZaphodX's 24-minute tutorial that looks really good / comprehensive (I'm about 4 minutes into it so far; digesting while I write this). I've played 2-3 bot matches and ballsed each one (I won against a 0.2 metal bot earlier, but after watching a match I realize my progression was less than 1/20th of that of people who are good at the game). The trouble with Zaphod's tutorial that I mentioned earlier is that it was from an earlier patch - I think the meta / preference has changed as to what I build first. Anyhow, I'd really like some help from someone. Add me on steam under the same name (my avatar is the doge face / shiba inu thing).
You can come and join Nova! https://forums.uberent.com/threads/nova-clans-open-planetary-annihilation-recruitment.56380/ We'd be happy to help you learn, we've got a few skilled players and normally have someone on every hour of the day. If you're interested, I'll PM you the teamspeak IP.
I'm also new to PA (just downloaded and played today), do you mind if I join as well? I feel like I do okay, but I definitely need someone to help train me to multitask, move around faster, figure out what my power layout should look like, etc. etc. etc.. I watched a lot of PA videos beforehand, largely commentated by WPMarshall, so I do feel like I do better than some other players. (Had to remove the link in the quote because new member) One last thing, I don't do Teamspeak. Will that be a problem?
Well Team speak is our main mod of communication... Though can add me on Steam: Marshallow Vinyl. Also, may I ask why you don't like/use teamspeak?
Well, I prefer not to say at the moment, but I may use TS in a few weeks. Could be a few months, could be not for a long while, I don't know. Also don't prefer to add people on Steam. I guess if all that is out of the question, I should wait until I use TS? I'll probably be waiting a few weeks before I'd ask to join Nova anyway, so I'll probably end up doing that anyway. Apologies for the shroud of blackness on my social stuff outside of the game and the forums, but I just don't like sharing info.