Looking for UK Players

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by Ugly Toy, December 16, 2010.

  1. Ugly Toy

    Ugly Toy New Member

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    Most of you guys seem to be in the US, or at least in those timezones so it's difficult for me to be playing the same time as you. I'm looking for any players in the UK/Ireland who're looking for some one to play some games with.

    I normally play Tank, and I'm much better since watching some videos/reading the forums. I'm around L70 and can normally hit MVP in pub games, I've never played anything else.

    If you're interested my GT is Ugly Toy, let me know and we can play some games.

    I probably won't be on till the weekend what with Xmas parties and just getting my drink on, so see I'll see you then!

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