Looking for serious team

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by DrSnaggletooths, October 14, 2010.

  1. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    Been playing since the game came out. I am versatile in that I play sniper, gunner, or support but where I really shine is offensive sniper (except steel peal cuz it's just too easy). Usually play with top players (Agitating, Doomboy, etc). Would love to be a part of a great team for gb.

    I've played competitively on others games and am looking for a comp team to play with for this. I'm on the east coast and M/W/TH work well for me for match/practice times.

    gamertag: drsnaggletooths
  2. imaG Croissant

    imaG Croissant New Member

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    you sound like just the person we are looking for
    add me: CrustyCroissant

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