Looking for regular players.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by DismayVJJ, February 9, 2011.

  1. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    I'm not the greatest, hell I'm probably only average, but I've reached my breaking point with always playing with a full team of newer players. I don't hate newbies, we all started somewhere, but when you have a team full of them and they sit in your base the whole time healing turrets, or facegrappling tanks, building lazerblazers and what not, I rage a bit inside.

    The poor matchmaking, party system, and occasional 'pub stompers' compound the fact and it makes for horribly undesirable, unfun, uphill matchups. I'd estimate 75% of the games I join into are this type of matchup. About 20% where I get lucky enough to have a competent team it feels like I'm pubstomping. The last 5% is actually on equal playing level, and this is where the most fun is (to me).

    QQ inc; I'm sick of having to make multiple suicide runs just to kill a guarded firebase that is base containing us, which they only established because of me having 1 untimely death, giving them enough time to establish a full contain before I respawn.
    .... Meanwhile Herp1 and Derp2, the support brothers, are making sure the firebases' in the moneyball pit are overhealed and constantly topped off. They could kill the enemy firebase off so easily with an airstrike, but they do nothing. Even after I instruct through voice chat that it's possible to airstrike the firebase with 1 button and minimal aiming, they do nothing.
    ....Sure I could switch to support, throw the airstrike, die and switch back, but why the F should I have to do that when there is already supports on the team that can do it (if they find the button that is).
    ....I mention support because its a quick firebase killer, where as my classes takes time to kill it. Before it can take much damage someones already shooting me or healing the firebase. /QQ off.

    I didn't think I'd resort to making a thread asking to meet players, but anyone who's decent at this game either A)has no mic, or B) in a party. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I haven't heard more than 1 sentence from anyone in the last 10 hours I've played the game.

    This makes 'networking' with decent/good players a bit harder. I'd rather chat with a person before I would ever send them a message. I don't go out of my way to meet people usually.

    Now I'm not looking for a competitive team or a pubstomping-lolfaceroll please-carry-me-to-victory or anything, just a few peoples to regularly play with so my team doesn't get facerolled in 75% of the matches I play because of things out of my control.


    PM / add my GT if interested.

    TL;DR I'm just a laid back guy sick of bad pub players looking for chill peeps to 'ill with.
  2. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Sold. FR incoming.
  3. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    im the same way ill hit you up in a bit
    illin' and chillin* in the hot tub right now

    * Illin' and chillin' consists of an alcoholic dink of any kind in one hand, and some kind of smoke in the other.
  4. KnighT aM

    KnighT aM New Member

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    I played you a few days ago. I remeber laughing at ur name ill send you a FR i am always lookin for ppl to play with.
  5. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    If thats case timmy ted, then I be 'illin and chillin. Thanks for the responses. Lookin' forward to gamin' with yall.
  6. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    If Jon is sold, then there's a good chance we'll end up playing together. 'Illin like villains.
  7. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Played against you tonight. You were a pretty good Gunner. Clawing Gunners are my weakness =P. You can FR me if you'd like.
  8. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    Yeah, I felt like switching it up and learning to claw last night. Sat in local blitz for a few hours just clawing around until my muscles got used to it. The control you feel over your character is amazing, but after a few hours it strains too much where my aiming starts to get off by a margin lol. Jump spinning+strafing+shooting+aiming takes a lot of technique to get used to (5 fingers working in harmony).

    Last night was the first time playing the gunner too, so still getting used to his meta-game. I mostly main as a tank though, but gunner has been a blast lately (due to his map control abilities).

    I'll send you a FR when I log on later.

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