Well, now that the FN tourney is over for FFB, we apparently have split up because it was a joke team. So now, I am seeking new people to play with. Not necessarily a clan/competitive team, just some cool people to run with so I don't have to play against/with terrible people. I play Sniper mainly, but play all classes(except Gunner). Assault is a close second for me though.
Well, everyone who added me for MNC never invite me to anything, so I feel like it might be time to get some new people. Only Ian hounds the **** out of me to play lol. But even though he doesn't talk at night, he's fun. I'll send you an invite tomorrow when I get home from work, JON. Same to you Knight. If you both are on.
Send me a Fr GT: IxX JIM B0B XxI I always have a party going. Please note that its a zero in my name and not an O. (so many people get it wrong :cry: )
Well, I am just now getting on MNC. I went out with people last night after I got home from work. I'll be playing tonight. Sometime around 8 EST. Got a tourney match at 6:30.
we got more then 1 team you know... i dont think you have a grudge with zombie/deadpool/thombow do you?
Zombie was on my team as a sub for FN tourney. Deadpool and I haven't played together, but I respect him and his incredibly accurate spelling :lol: And Thombow gave my YouTube vids a good review. So the short answer, is no. I do not.
Not anymore Also, wherever Jon goes, Tom is usually lurking in the shadows nearby, and vice versa. Could you two, like, make up?
Damn you, silver membership!! /shakefist Everytime I join a party and see TOM, I just leave because I don't need lolinternetdrama. I did nothing to that guy, but he just seems to like to bust my balls.
Only join his party if you're up for finding new and interesting ways to kill new players in their spawn You should add me, because I'm cool and stuff. Also, the only Sniper I can play involves double Grapples and spamming LVL3 Flak.