Looking for a team for privates/future tournaments

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by SHStiger, December 10, 2010.

  1. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Getting tired of running solo matches in pubs as too many people are concerned about playing TDM or simply aren't very team oriented. I'd like to get a group to not only have fun, but to compete with some of the better teams/groups.

    The most fun I've ever had in a shooter was custom matches during Halo 2, and I'm sure privates in MNC would provide the same.
  2. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    Already on your FL but anytime I'm online feel free to send an invite my way I'm always up for a game
  3. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well, after posting about my rage in another part of the site, why not. I'll send a FR. I'm a versatile player that can do just about anything and everything. The only class I don't play often is Snipah.

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