Looking for a competitive team

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by L3G3ND 09, February 13, 2011.

  1. L3G3ND 09

    L3G3ND 09 New Member

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    I'm looking to join a competitive team with active users as I'm getting back into some MNC once again. I used to have an organized group of guys that'd just meet up and play whenever and I hung with the likes of(and sorry for the name drop, message me if you don't want your names up here guys): oGODxINxAxBOXo, EZ BASSkits 2, Big BOzZy, HollowPointe084, and a few others.

    I'm a very offensive support, a pretty good tank, a decent assault, and a decent sniper.

    Just looking for a team that is looking to get together, play some pubs, but also be active in the competitive community against other teams.

    I am willing to try out at any time just post here or send me a message (GT is same as username here)

    GRRRKILL New Member

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    You are welcome to try out for the Cups of rage team. Add me (GRRRKILL) and we can get some games going. We are very active and have 2 set teams right now with a 3rd on the way.
  3. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Also if you need certain class players to fill in a void we got a list of players which might be able to fill it (though we lack snipers)

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