I've noticed that sometimes when I build longshot turrets that they will often appear to stop firing for long periods of time. Is that intended? Shouldn't they be firing as long as there are enemy bots/turrets/pros active on the map? Is this just a display glitch and maybe it is still firing on the host but not on my screen? Please help, I'm confused! :|
Hack, especially hack three works wonders in making them fire much more frequently and with much greater range. Mind you, that basically just means that instead of having an inert waste of a turret slot, you now have a noisy one instead.
Even with a hack though, it's not an indefinite range. I thought it'd be a great idea to make a Longshot in the back corner of Spunky. Nope, even hacked I could see it just sitting there doing nothing.
I'm not sure on the range being so short, I know I've seen the shells more than half the map away at times. But maybe those were gap shot shells? Has anyone done testing? Or could we get a developer response on range? I like building/hacking turrets when I play support but it would be good to know when not to waste my time and money! edit-commical grammarz
I know the distance increases with hacks and I believe both upgrades as well. I've always assumed that each upgrade adds both distance and ROF (isn't that how the LBs and rokkits work?) I know adding the hack stacks with lvl 2 adding distance and ROF and I think lvl 3 just adds more ROF. I dunno, I want to see the research too. All I'm sure of is that I can hit the enemy turrets on LB and AM with one hacked to 3.3.