Hi all, we are renting a dedicated server and for some reason the map load times are long like 30 seconds! When we rented and MNC server from another provider this was not an issue, maps loaded in about 10 seconds. Is this a server setting that I can help the provider find and fix. They say they can't find any resolution for it --- thank you for any help you can provide.
How much ram is left when your server instances are active If there a little ram left around 80-90% some of the memory mnc.exe uses will be mapped to disk or virtual memory. when there are significant changes to whats stored in that memory (map change) the server will read and write to the HDD alot. causing slowdowns. A mnc.exe instance on my server can start at around 170 Megabytes, but drops to 140 when i run 4 of them (91% ram usage) that can't be good for loading times