If you notice erratic behaviour in the game, check the log files first to see if there are errors or unusual messages. MNC's log files are stored: C:\Users\<Your local username>\Documents\My games\UnrealEngine3\HostileGame\Logs It's in a similar location under My Documents for XP The log you want to look at is Launch.log (for client or listen server problems) or DedicatedServer.log (for dedicated server problems). Reading your log file: First, you're going to see a HUGE wall of text that may mean nothing to you if you've never seen one before. Some basic information about what is what in the log: Log: entries are notes about actions, and sometimes notes that are not action related, that are happening on the local system. DevNet: entries are networking related actions and notes. DevOnline: entries are Internet related actions and notes. Error: is your basic error entry. It does not necessarily mean that the error is a critical one, just that the code threw an error during the run. Look to later entries for confirmation of a failure. Warning: is your generic warning for situations where an error may occur, but hasn't yet. Exit: is just exit notes for the game, however if the game crashes, they'll show up after the crash notes in the log. Sample of log file that does contain an issue: Code: Error: Can't start an online game in state 3 DevOnline: Unmuted talker 0x0110000101EC43A7 DevOnline: Unmuted talker 0x0110000101EC43A7 Log: UOnlineSubsystemSteamworks::IsControllerConnected TRUE Log: UOnlineSubsystemSteamworks::IsControllerConnected TRUE Log: UOnlineSubsystemSteamworks::IsControllerConnected TRUE Log: UOnlineSubsystemSteamworks::IsControllerConnected TRUE Log: UOnlineSubsystemSteamworks::IsControllerConnected TRUE DevOnline: OnGSClientDenyClientId:[15360760] Reason: th[0 Log: We're a listen server and we failed our own auth! DevOnline: Beacon (GameJIPBeacon) destroy complete Log: Client switch level: ?closed DevNet: Browse: HostileEntry?closed?Team=0?Name=Player?Class= Log: Failed; returning to Entry Log: LoadMap: HostileEntry?closed?Team=0?Name=Player?Class= Log: NO PENDING LEVEL Right at the top, the Error: is one that could prevent an online game from being *created* as a host. DevOnline: OnGSClientDenyClientId:[15360760] Reason: th[0 - This is an authorization error. Every client must be authorized in order to connect to a server, whether listen or dedicated, if the HOST fails the auth check, the listen server fails. Confirmed by the next line: Log: We're a listen server and we failed our own auth! If you see an entry like the following, you're dealing with actual crash info: Code: Log: === Critical error: === Fatal error! The next few lines in the log will provide information about the source of the crash, which may be useful for the devteam.