Local Search for Australia

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Jukez, August 15, 2010.

  1. Jukez

    Jukez New Member

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    I have had a great time playing Monday Night Combat. However, there is a problem with the matchmaking. It is very much like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 when it first came out. Every Australian will either get into a ridiculously laggy game or one that is bearable but then the connection will slowly degrade. I was wondering if you could possibly make MNC search for games with <50ms ping and then slowly go up if there are no games or players found with that amount of ping, ala Modern Warfare 2. I am sorry if I am using Modern Warfare 2 too much as a comparison but MNC can be fixed just as easily as Modern Warfare 2 was. Please don't pull an Infinity Ward and not post a patch until a couple of months after the release when the game could be so much better if the searching was fixed.
  2. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Matchmaking is one of our most active areas of discussion. Rest assured we'll do whatever we can. Remember the game just launched and we had no way to really test massive numbers of players.
  3. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Australia is eaisly the butt-hole of video game connections. ...No devs seem to care about it. You'll just have to wait a few weeks for the game to gain popularity, and more people in Australia will own the game, and then you'll get better local connections.
  4. Frigate

    Frigate New Member

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