Here are mine. Lobby Settings / preferences: It would be really nice if we could have a user profile for lobby settings. By user profile I mean keeping settings like Game stat and mods drop downs to certain states. This way we don't have to constantly adjust them to suit our personal preferences. Hosting Screen: The lobby screen is awesome. But once you have hosted a game you can't see enough detail about the system stats (If there are smashables, etc) It would also be nice if there was a way to see a picture of what how the system is laid out (solar system view). Social: When I add a friend does it do it by their name or the player id behind the scenes? If I friend someone and they change their name it doesn't seem to track them any more. Can anyone else confirm this?
mods on in off in lobby is a definitive must. FA has this and FAF added being able to select them thoroughly in the host box. having profiles be inclusive of mods would be SOOOOOO practical. I can already see what I'd use it for, I'd have one profile called "Absolute tip-top compatibility" containing only mods that can't break by design and have prooven not to break over the builds.