I noticed that while in a lobby, if you scroll to the bottom of the list of players, you can go down one more time and move to the top of the list BUT you cannot go to the bottom of the list by going up from the top of the list. I don't know if this was intended or simply overlooked but it's extremely annoying to me because it doesn't make sense that I can go down at the bottom to move cursor to the top but not the other way around. P.S. I might have meant the other way around (unable to go to top from bottom but able to go to bottom from top) -- either way, one of the directions, you cannot move to the other end. It'll be great if you could fix it so it goes both directions.
It's a minor issue at best(though I believe all menus in all games should have wrap-around-y features), so let's hope Uber focuses on other things like fixing the framerate issues in general or telling us where Bullseye keeps all that bacon without grossing us out