I'm referring to the known problem where a player can be killed, but remain in the game invincible. You could probably call it a "zombie" glitch too, I just felt like making a Conan reference. This thread is for identifying exactly what our circumstances were when this occurred so that Uber can identify the cause. For me, this happened in Steel Peel. I was an Assassin performing a back grab (dagger, level 2 passive) against a Gunner. I was basically between their base's glass and their left doorway. I was out of sight of their rocket while doing the grab, but my natural position would be visible to it as soon as I was done. I'm pretty sure that I was killed by the rocket just before my grab animation ended, but given the inherent lag in any game, it could've been exactly at the end or even after. I found myself able to only shoot, reload, and switch weapons. I was unable to move or aim.