Live Stream Index 2.0 Updated 03/21/2014

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by KNight, October 29, 2013.

  1. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    February 27th 2014 Live Stream

    Feature: Welcome to Gamma with Jon and Brad

    Feature: Planetary Annihilation Retrospective

    Feature: What's new in Gamma with Jon, Brad and Marc

    Feature: Showing off the new Commanders with Brad and Steve

    Question and Answer Period
    (34:45) Will Backers be able to download the soundtrack eventually?
    (35:19) Why is there a note on Jon's can of Coke Pop?
    (37:20) What's going on with the Unit Cannon?
    (38:35) What about Drop Pods/The Egg?
    (40:30) Multi Planet start coming soon?
    (41:33) Will the AI have different personalities/Difficulty Levels?
    (42:57) Are you going to make the game compatible with assorted Steam Services?
    (43:33) What features are planned to make invading planets easier?
    (44:20) How do you think you'll implement Asteroid Belts?
    (45:51) Any chance of there being games bigger than 10 players yet?
    (45:19) Galactic War?
    (45:26) How 'Final' is the new UI?
    (48:47) Is it a coincidence that Brad looks like the guy in the Uber Logo?
    (46:11) How many Commander ideas do you have on the table that you haven't shown yet?
    (46:22) How much more variation in terrain generation are we going to see in Gamma?
    (49:30) Do you guys ever sleep?
    (49:46) Will terrain ever effect a unit's vision/Intel radius?
    (50:45) Real Alien planets?
    (51:28) Will there be a Bacon Commander?

    Feature: In-game UI Improvements with Jon and Brad

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