Since alpha a bunch of people have been live streaming PA(I being one of them) and while I've made great strides towards internet fame sadly I am hitting a plateau. I am not a super interesting/funny person on my own and I am in need of a counterpart. While I have been attempting to solicit help from my viewership no one has made an attempt to join me. It was my hope in bringing this concern here today to hopefully gain some applicants and more so, a co-host. While I am aware that not everyone here is a holder of the "golden ticket" for the game, I would be willing to purchase a copy for whoever I could get as a co-host(if they're selected and without the game). With that said all those interested please apply here: Along those lines(but further down the road) I am hoping to set up a tournament during the beta to foster the "competitive spirit" of the game. I'd like to get a feel on how many(if any) of you would be interested in taking part and any suggestions towards that effect.