How do you obtain the little bot tags to the left of your gamertag? Not ProTags the little bot pictures. Cheers!
Gain money, money gives you levels. Hit level 100, it automatically gives you one. In order; No Tag Slim Bot Buzzer Gremlin Scrambler Black Jack Gap Shot Bouncer Jackbot Jackbot takes about 15,080,000 in earnings to reach. If you are already a Jackbot and get level 100, you stay a Jackbot and start leveling from 0 again. Once you pass a bot level, you can't go back to it (without modding). You get no benefit beyond the little picture. There is no penalty either, you keep everything you had. It is just a measure of how much you have earned playing. Yes, Blitz mode counts.
Certain CoD games you lose access to unlocks until to you level back up, but otherwise yes it is just like that. I have no idea about SMNC, sorry.
I got a new little bot tag. If you are curious what my stats are when I got it to get a feel for how long this will take, here you go;