Linux User from Steam for Tech Support via unopenable link

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by vx85, August 1, 2013.

  1. vx85

    vx85 New Member

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    So the steam community hub pointed me to this link for tech support:

    And I'm given a permission error when trying to open that link: "You are not authorized to read this forum"

    I run Gentoo - I'm used to doing strange, awkward, (some would say unnatural,) complicated things to my system to get some obscure game working.

    But uhm... the only "help for Linux" post outside of such that I saw suggested "downloading" a symlink from the Canonical repositories. This is a thing that even Gentoo appears to have already done at compile time.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Re: Linux User from Steam for Tech Support via unopenable li

    You need to manually link your Steam and Uber accounts here:
    Then log out and login again on forum, you permissions will be updated and you'll able to access Linux subforum.

    Actually PA doesn't really need lot of dependencies and it's fairly easy to run on any distro.

    Unfortunately Coherent UI (user interface middleware based on Chromium) which used here is much more complicated than game itself, so it's usually require one dirty hack ( symlink) to work.

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