[LINUX] double key taps / mouse clicks

Discussion in 'Support!' started by AyanZo, November 15, 2013.

  1. AyanZo

    AyanZo Active Member

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    Is it just me, or is it that whenever I press a key or click a mouse, double strokes are sent. Not only that, it's selective about which keys such as backspace deleting two characters at once in chat.

    In short, the UI has a tendency to at times send two or more keystrokes or mouse clicks rather than just one..

    I can mind the at times missing radar blips, which is really annoying when it doesn't even flag enemy units in visible range. The double strokes and clicks make my army uncontrollable at times, or unpredictable if I'll lose control and can't get it back due to selection issues.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Actually it's this bug: PA#1961
    It's applied for many keys, not only for backspace or ESC, but I haven't time to check what keys are affected.

    Actually it's only happen with users of FOSS drivers and here is easy fix:
    If you put this code on start line of /media/ui/alpha/start/start.js you'll always get proper icons.

    There also proper packed mod in this topic.

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