Negative steam reviews are crap. I'm by no means saying that it's bad if you have a negative opinion of the game. But if you leave a review, you should justify your opinion. Most of the negative steam reviews are completely uninformative or even misinformed. Let's just look at the four most recent negative reviews. "paid $60 for this game, wish i didn't." This review is horrible for two reasons. Firstly, we have no idea why the heck he wishes he didn't. Secondly, the reviewer has missed the point of a review entirely. The point of a review isn't to say what your experience with the game is, but rather to tell someone else if it's worth it to them to spend money on the game. Mentioning past pricing is completely irrelevant when a review MUST deal EXCLUSIVELY with the present. "The game keeps crashing on my PC with Windows 10" This individual thinks that reviews are a tech support forum. They aren't. If tech support is unhelpful with getting your problem solved, then you can leave a review mentioning bad tech support or whatever. But to leave a review on a product that isn't working without even asking around for help is a complete misuse of the review system. "I used Asus Rog Gl552JX but i having so many lag with the single player mode and multiplayer....I save setting with the lowest graphic setting posible but the lagging issue stil unsolved..." See above. "*yawn* the "AI" (chokes on laughter) cheats shamelessly. Pretty dull game, even in multiplayer." Not only is this reviewer completely wrong about the AI cheating (and thus spreads misinformation), but he also doesn't give any reason why the game is dull. So we've established that the reviews are bad, but how do we fix them? Whenever someone comments on a review, they get a steam notification that should cause them to look at the comment. It stands to reason that simply by commenting on these reviews to ask for clarification on points and help out, we can greatly reduce the number and increase the quality of these negative reviews. Want to help? Go here and just comment on the negative reviews. Treat the reviewers with respect. They may be wrong, but that doesn't make them idiots or entitled little freaks. Please, don't attack the reviewers. The goal of this is to help clean out the trash in the steam reviews, not add to it. Your participation in this is appreciated. BTW, this is a good review that's probably worth upvoting simply because it doesn't fall into any of the pitfalls of negative reviews, although feel free to rebut it in the comments.
If you didn't find it helpful, thumb it down. If you did, thumb it up. If you already got the game, then don't touch anything. No need for personal crusades by the review police against people who are already disenfranchised.
Last I checked pa's rating on steam was ok, let these useless reviews sink into irrelevance and leave it at that imo, as efforts to correct things usually wind up being counter productive.
Besides: There are far too many negative reviews which are just point on, and just the same amount of positive reviews which are just as wrong or non-saying as the negative ones depicted in OP. The general consent from recent negative reviews is mostly the completely unfinished control system (both the pretty much abandoned order system, as well as the default hotkey system), lack of tooltips, virtually no terrain-unit-interactions, and, oddly enough, an extremely boring late game. Oh, and let's not forget how ridiculously stupid most units behave per default. Or the still overflowing bugtracker. Ah, and yeah. Some valid concerns about the art style: It also says a lot, that even NEW customers which just bought the game this year, unanimously claim that the game is unfinished. It's bad enough, that we apparently have at least 2 or 3 persons in this community, who went to Steam and flagged almost every single negative review as "not helpful", regardless of the content. And even though a review may not contain any content worth reading, it's still the choice of the editor to express his vote this way. Remember: Steam forces you to write something when voting on a game. So many users will just write *something* to be able to vote at all, expressing their legit opinion even when not providing the reasons.
Well the question is always how many actually really do? You can find people claiming whatever you want in some corner of the internet.
if someone doesn´t like the game then there ain´t much to do against it .. personaly what i merely do is give a bit of tipps and try to correct missinformation .. because people do also spout a lot of crap along the way ... most known example commanderskins and false accusations of dlc ... but other tan that .. you can´t just do much
Nah, I'm thinking just more depth in the GW mechanics; something like total war's turn based campaign, and multiplayer GW/clan wars.