Lets get some Gunner discussion in here.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Mellowbusiness, October 25, 2010.

  1. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    So, after a while of playing, I realized that Gunner is my worst class, seeing as i 99% when i choose him, i go negative.

    I dont knw what happens but when i shoot people they take years to die but when a gunner shoots me, i die in a nanosecond. I just want to become a better gunner so what endorsements should i use.

    Currently: 3. Accuracy 2. Reload Speed 1. Crit shots (what do they do anyway?)
  2. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    get ROF and armor in there somewhere. crits give your bullets a chance to do more dmg. i think bronze crit is 1% chance of crit. they are purple bullets.
  3. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Accuracy 3 really helps me. Then Rate of Fire, and Armor as my bronze is how i role.
  4. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    I use gold RoF, silver Clip Size, and switch up different ones for bronze. Usually accuracy, critical shot, or reload speed, it's up to you

    I put the gunner away for a bit and have been playin assault lately but I usually always did pretty decent with this....

    Your gun will be mostly useless til you up it to lvl3 and get the dual miniguns, so it's a good idea to hang back and kill bots etc for a bit til you get that... then get the slam upgraded
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Reload Speed

    You out shoot pretty much every other gunner, kill snipers easily in 2 mortar shells, and can mortar down a turret that's being healed by a support.
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Actually for the most part it doesn't matter what endorsements you use (the order) as long as you play smart. The only exception here is if you pick something completely worthless for the gunner like skill recharge. You can make several different kinds of gunner builds and each is viable under certain circumstances. Gold accuracy for example is not too shabby if you are playing on Grenade III.

    The number one rule of playing a gunner is always pre-spin. That is why you are going negative. Another possibility is that you are not fighting at the proper range with the correct weapon. Learn to use your mortar well and you will win many more battles.

    The second rule of playing a gunner is that you need to constantly look around the battlefield to see if you need to advance or retreat. You have no speed powers so you had best look before you leap. I almost said you have no mobility powers but that's not true.... your jump jets are very powerful so learn to use them properly and walk on rails all the time if you can get away with it.

    The third rule of playing a gunner is that you need to use cover more than any other class because your body is gigantic. The only positive thing I can say about the gunner model is that he is not as tall as the tank so he can actually hide behind small glass barriers.

    Learn when you should jump and when you should deploy when fighting other gunners. Against noobs I jump and against skilled opponents I deploy. So about 95% of the time I jump.
  7. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i've recently swapped to gunner for a bit also, as i just got my 2500 assault rifle kills, took long enough....

    i've tried gold accuracy silver RoF and bronze speed, do not like it...i seem way to weak, but i love the accuracy, i tried a gold armor silver RoF bronze clip size build and it was better but i guess it just comes down to practice and learning when you run and what not, since im used to assault im used to be able to getting out of there when i want to, throw bomb jump charge away hit bomb to make them retreat when they chase.

    Gunner has not mobility, that's the only downside to him really
  8. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Ok, little in-depth tip here...

    RoF may not be as useful as it seems simply because he can only fire as fast as the game is running, so if the framerate drops you won't get much benefit. He already fires at 20x a second, with the gold RoF it's faster than that but if the game is running slower... it gets capped. Not much we can do about that. So you may want to play with different RoF endorsements with the Minigun and see if you actually notice a difference.

    All that is assuming you're taking RoF for the Minigun, if you're doing it for the mortar, then great! You'll get full effect on the mortar.
  9. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    *runs off to go test RoF*
  10. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I originally had gold RoF only for the mortar, I didn't even know it did anything to the mini.
  11. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    well with Gold,silver,bronze and no RoF endorsement all the kills were from 2-2.5 seconds on a tank with max armor and passive 3...so there's no real difference in my testing

    Mind you that the slight differences could be cause by my timing AND it was in close-medium range
  12. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I have an idea that would make the Gunner's deploy suck less and balance the minigun more!

    lvl 3 deploy resists and reflects rapid amounts of damage done to the gunner back at the attacker. This makes him more resistant to automatic weaponry while still leaving him vulnerable to slow, high-power weapons like the Railgun, Grenade Launcher, and Rifle bodyshots.
    The minigun has a more restrictive damage falloff when undeployed. When deployed, damage falloff becomes even less than it is currently. The falloff kicks in at around the same distance as when that assault rifle becomes useless, but it isn't completely inneffective at that range, just weaker.

    Maybe tweak the effects of accuracy endorsements on the Gunner. Higher accuracy endorsements = lesser falloff and tighter bullet spread.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The mortar is way too easy for people to jump over. This seems like a problem considering the minigun doesn't work well at very long range.

    Since the patch is going to reveal our endorsements when we kill opponents.... I suppose it's time to talk about them. There are really only three choices for gunner endorsements for silver/gold : Armor/RoF/Criticals. RoF gives you a lot more damage than criticals when you are not deployed. The only exception here is if you are wanting to play at very long ranges (grenade III or possibly parts of ammo mule) then accuracy is an option. Your bronze options are clip size or reload (or one of the above). I find clip size to be more effective than reload speed.

    I always have RoF in silver or gold because I discovered long ago that before the patch supports were unable to keep up with the damage I could inflict on turrets. After this last patch Gold is faster than the old heal beam but silver is slower.

    I have found that aside from the passive upgrade and slam, no skill for the gunner is worth upgrading past level 2. You generally don't need to bother upgrading your slam as the cooldown is already fast enough. If you like deploying then it can be beneficial for $150.... but the level 3 upgrade doesn't really do much. I wish this were not the case.

    When I play support I buy everything. Most classes really like buying all of their skills. But buying juice is just a better way to spend your money as a gunner.
  14. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    been messing around with builds that have gold reload speed, gold speed, gold health regen just random stuff and it is so much fun! i actually pull decent games as well.
  15. Greg7777777

    Greg7777777 New Member

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    That bug that made you do less damage during level 3 deploy ever get fixed?
  16. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    interested in this as well.
  17. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Yes. It may actually be in the current game. If not, it's definitely in the DLC.
  18. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    damn you and already getting to play with DLC!!
  19. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Getting to play? I built some of it!
  20. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    but you still get to play it! and is it gunner friendly? :)

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