I should have started this thread yesterday but I have Battle Damaged CTS codes to give away and I would like to get a sumo tournament together. If this is something you would be interested in please post with what times you would be available for such an event. I would prefer times in PST since that is my local time but if not please say what timezone your times are in so they can be converted. Also the rules of Sumo: The sumo will occur on Grenade III on the annihilator platform. Allowed classes are Gunner. Allowed skills are Gunner Slam and Gunner Grapple. Shooting weapons or use of not allowed skills (Deploy and Product Grenade) will result in immediate forfeiture. Melee, burning with jump jets, pretty much any attach that is not Mouse 1 is allowed. Now unlike traditional sumo wrestling if you manage to survive being rung out you are allowed to try and re-enter the arena to continue the match. As for double ring outs they will count as a tie and require a rematch. All matches will be a best of 3 and depending on how much interest we may do a full tournament style with a winners and losers bracket or just single elimination. Edited: Updated rules due to feedback from those more experienced with such events than I =D.
If gunner can use his grapple, does that mean it's okay to use the secondary weapon's grapple for the tank also?
Well RWM I imagine has more experience running a Sumo match. As for the tanks charge you would have to distance it properly to not ring yourself out and the gunner could either grab or slam to deny the charge. As for weapon grapples, yes Railgun and Mortar Grapples would be allowed.
To be frank, MNC Sumo first started on XBox and I happen to be there for it and recorded it as well. RMW play Assault Sumo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvqqWAXsgGM
Thanks! I will check it out when I get the chance. If I decide to change the rules I will edit my original post and add a comment to mention the change.
That was awsome :mrgreen:! I might make it Gunner only them, I just wanted there to be the choice in class and without charge it seems there is no reason to select the Tank over the Gunner.
RWM Sumo variations: All skills always level 1, except for tank product grenade which can be upgraded to 2. Allowed to attack in any way except mouse 1 (melee, weapon grapples, all skills, fire damage from tank/gunner jets while flying or deployed (BBQ), headcrabs, pancakes, goomba,...) G3 Central platform: Gunners only, 1v1 Assaults only, 1v1 or 2v2 Uncle Tullys: 2v2: 1xTank or Gunner and 1x Assault 3v3: 2xTank or Gunner and 1x Assault 4v4: 2xTank or Gunner and 2x Assault 5v5: 3xTank or Gunner and 2x Assault 6v6: Never had one of these, but would have probably done 3 assaults Experimental: Support: Allow 1 support on each time to stand outside the chickey ring and is allowed to heal friendlies that get close. Support also allowed to throw airstrikes (either level 1 or 2) into the ring (you get your heals at the risk of getting ground-zero'd). Supports not allowed to attack each other. Sniper: No real place for the sniper - he's either overpowered or underpowered, depending on what skills you allow. Most successful with Flak at level 2 and Freeze traps + Grapple at 1, but ridiculously underpowered without ability to survive ring out attempts. Allowing grapple 2 means guaranteed OHKO on every class, making him overpowered.
Actually I recall it somewhat worked with traps 3 and flak 3. Worked as a nice annoying class, but also experimental as we didn't try it thoroughly. Definitely grapple 1 though, lol.
Updated the rules to only allow Gunner and be more clear about non-weapon attacks. Now if only people were actually interested in participating in such an event, I mean come on I am looking to give away Battle Damaged CTS codes here! XD
With little to no disrespect to Deadstretch, the whole idea of sumoing with gunner get's real old real quick. It needs variation. Of course with level 1 grapples as well as slam you have a bit, but nothing that makes the fun last. From experience I'd say the only class actually fun to play 1v1 is assault primarily because of bomb(obviously) and combining flight, charge, melee and grapple. But mixing with classes would be a good idea, I'm not saying it would make peepz join your cause instantly since come on, you're putting the honey glazed stick in horse manor by choosing this game filled with life. Although I am saying you can still have it somewhat simple, but with tons of outcomes instead of constant repetitive wins, by following Myst's ruleset. Personally I know the sniper would work, but that would suddenly complicate the game a great deal